Remove coding


This topic explains the ways you can uncode content in a source or a node.

What do you want to do?


Understand how to remove coding

The way you 'uncode' depends on the context you are working in. For example

  • If you are coding in a source or 'coding on' in a node, you may accidently code content or change your mind about something you have coded

  • If you are reviewing the references in a node, you may decide that a reference does not belong there—you can uncode to remove all or part of a reference.

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Remove coding at selected nodes

If you are currently coding a source or its content and would like to remove coding at selected nodes:

  1. Select the content or source you want to uncode.

  2. On the Analyze tab, in the Uncoding group, under Uncode Selection At, click Existing Nodes.

  1. On the left, click the folder name that contains the node you want to uncode.
  2. On the right, select the check box for the node you want to uncode.

NOTE Only nodes that code the content or source are available for selection.

  1. Click Done.

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Remove a reference or part of a reference from a node

  1. Open the node.

  2. Select the content you want to remove.

  1. On the Analyze tab, in the Uncoding group, under Uncode Selection At, click This Node.

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Remove coding using coding stripes

When coding stripes are displayed for a source or a node, you can uncode from the coding stripes.

  1. Open the required source or node.

  2. Turn on coding stripes—on the View tab in the Coding group, click Coding Stripes, and then select a coding stripe option. Refer to Use coding stripes to explore coding for more information.

  3. Right-click on the required stripe and click Uncode.

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